Saturday, November 28, 2009

Government Intervention in Escalating Obesity Rates

I had posted previously on labeling laws, or calorie posting laws here and here, but there are other forms of government intervention in escalating obesity rates taking place at this time. If you're willing to make the jump, I blogged on the Pitt News about the topic, and that can be found here. It's one of my more opinionated pieces, just to warn you. The post includes PA Congressman Jason Altmire's response to my question on government action against our state's current ranking in prevelence to obesity (we rank 36th).

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your blog, and I wanted to mention a few things. You make good use of pictures, video, opinions and facts, and you link a lot which is good for a lot of reasons.

    There is also a nice variety of topics, so I found it easy to find something that interested me, like this post. The only thing I would advise is to add a little more to your posts that just have a links in them. I know your linking to cool stuff like your Pitt News articles, but it slows me down as a reader to be jumping around too much.

    Hopefully, I'll have some more constructive commments when I get used to your blog a little more, but I like it a lot so far.
