When I was younger, I used to get so mad that my mom wouldn't buy me Slim Fast. I thought that if I drank it, I would basically instantly get skinny. I obviously understant now that that's not the case. However, I have been guitly of trying a few weightloss shortcuts, including Slim Fast.
Last year I lived in Shadyside and had no meal plan. I worked 8:30-1:30 shifts three days a week on campus and then had class, so I didn't really have time for breakfast or lunch. Every morning, I'd bring a Slim Fast and a protein bar to work--eating one for breakfast and one for lunch. Not only was I always hungry and never truly satisified, but I also didn't lose ANY weight. And you know why? It is possible to not eat enough, and that will prevent you from losing weight.
Another shortcut I tried before was Slim Quick, a powder packet you put in your water bottle. I won't lie. The Slim Quick worked. In three days I was down about 9 pounds thanks to the Slim Quick, an extreme low calorie diet, and cardio exercise. But you know what? That 9 pounds came back not long after. When you lose weight that fast, it's likely that you can't keep up with that lifestyle forever. After all, I wasn't always going to shell out $20 for 2o packets of slim quick (which only last about 10 days if you use two a day), I was eventually going to eat more than 900 calories a day, and I was always going to be able to work out that much (think finals week... haha).
What I've found out is that there really is no short cut to weight loss. If you do it right, it will stick. When I lost my thirty pounds in high school, I did it over such an extended amount of time that I didn't even realize how much I had lost until people started telling me. My advice? Do it right. Eat healthy. Exercise. Because there is no short cut to PERMANENT weight loss.